The safety and well-being of the students at Queensmill School is a top priority. There is a team of four ‘Designated Safeguarding Leads’ for the school who are available to respond to any safeguarding queries or concerns. These members of staff also take responsibility for providing annual safeguarding training to all staff, attending safeguarding meetings and coordinating school-based support for any families on a ‘Child In Need’ or ‘Child Protection’ plan.
The school’s Family Support Worker is also available to work with families on a ‘Child In Need’ or ‘Child Protection’ plan who may require additional training or support in understanding and managing their child’s autism or transferring strategies from school to the home setting.
Queensmill School has close links with a number of local organisations that offer support to children with autism and their families. A member of the Senior Management team at the school has the role of social services link and works collaboratively with the social workers within the Disabled Children’s Team, Looked After Children and Virtual Schools Team as well as Early Help services to ensure that children, young people and their families receive appropriate and effective support that takes into consideration the students’ individual needs linked to their Autism.
As part of the PSHCE curriculum, students have an individualised ‘SoSafe’ people and relationships book and access social relationships activities differentiated to their level of learning. These are designed to increase their understanding of how to behave with different groups of people as well as how to report abuse. For more information on this curriculum, click here (hyperlink to SoSafe page of website).
The independent contact for any safeguarding concerns regarding the school is:
Megan Cameron-Brown
Safer Organisations (LADO) and Safeguarding in Education Manager
Children and Young People’s Service
Hammersmith & Fulham Council
Duty Admin: 020 8753 5125 (answered M-Fri 9-5)
LADO Referrals: (monitored M-Fri 9-5)
Further information and contacts about safeguarding concerns related to children in the tri-borough can be found here