Q House

    Q House Residential Children's Home


    A statement of the range of needs of the children for whom it is intended that the children’s home is to provide care and accommodation

    Q House is a purpose built 4 bedded home designed to accommodate and support children between the ages of 8 – 18 with Autistic Spectrum Conditions, Learning Disabilities and behaviours that challenge associated with the aforementioned conditions.

    We are able to support children and young people on Fully Residential, Shared Care and Short Breaks placements. The range of needs for which care and support will be provided is the following:

    1. CYP diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum
    2. CYP who have a learning disability and autism
    3. CYP who may have some sensory impairments attendant with their autism
    4. CYP who are technology dependant for meals attendant with their autism
    5. CYP who are ambulant as the service is not adapted to support CYP with physical disabilities
    6. CYP will complex needs in regards to their behaviour and autism and have high support needs
    7. CYP with autism and complex health needs e.g. Epilepsy, etc.

    Fully Residential, Shared Care and Short breaks will be provided for children and young people of both genders between the ages of 8 to 18, however we are able to continue supporting any child aged 19 if there is a clear transition plan is in place to assist in supporting them into an Adult provision. This will be clearly agreed by all significant parties involved in the planning, care and support.

    All referrals are subject to a thorough referral process with a matching and impact assessment being undertaken to assess the suitability of the young person being referred in whether their needs can be effectively met within home.

    Q House wholly believes that children in residential child care should be loved, happy, healthy, safe from harm and able to develop, thrive and fulfil their full potential.

    Residential child care should value and nurture each child as an individual with talents, strengths and capabilities that can develop over time.

    We believe that children and young people spending time at Q House should find it an enjoyable experience, one in which the service user can form positive attachments that give them a sense of inner security and worth and add to their emotional and physical well-being. The aim of our staff team is to understand and meet the needs of the individual service users in their care. Q House believes that consistency in care is paramount to service child-young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, to this end we will be committed to developing and maintaining good communicative relationships with the child young person’s home and school.

    No service user is assumed to be unable to communicate their views and where appropriate, alternative communications systems are used e.g. Makaton, PECS and Sign a long as normally used by them. The service user’s opinions and those of their families or others significant to them are sought over key decisions, which are likely to affect their daily life and their future. Service user's views and feelings will be sought through appropriate methods of communication, listening to the service users/young person, listening to their families and conducting appropriate meetings, reviews and discussions with staff and key professionals involved in their care.

    Q House’s philosophy is to promote integration of the service users into the local community and society as a whole thus, reducing social isolation often associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

    Any specific work undertaken with the young people will be agreed by the placing authority/parents and any other professionals deemed appropriate.

    Q House operates with an open door policy whereby children’s friends, relatives and significant others are able to come and visit at any time.

    We ask that all visitors are respectful of any other child that is residing and to this end be respectful in terms of times they visit and understanding that every child has their own complexities.

    Q House promote family contact and maximum home visits that work for parents and young people alike, finding compromise where necessary. Home leave can be authorized in conjunction with relevant professionals and family, for contact and transitional purposes. Individual plans for home leave/receiving visitors should be agreed through the review process and clearly recorded, including any restriction, these will be detailed within their Placement Plans. A timetable of visits should be arranged for each inter-review period, with additional visits only being arranged exceptionally.

    For a full break down of what the Q House service will offer please click on the Statement of Purpose link below. 

    Q House Statement Of Purpose


    Please find links to other documents below which contain more information on Q House.